DMOZ: Open Directory Project

Regional Overview

The Regional category lists sites specific to a particular geographic area. The Regional category as a whole organizes sites according to their geographic focus and relevance to a particular regional population. To this end, individual Regional categories become mini-web directories in their own right, while remaining functionally part of the larger Open Directory.

Regional categories are built primarily for and by people residing in a particular geographic area, but should also appeal to other Internet users such as tourists and users interested in an area's cultural, social and economic conditions. Regional editors are expected to have a broad knowledge of the geographic area in which they edit.

These guidelines assume that you have read the general ODP Guidelines. These guidelines do not supercede or replace the general ODP Guidelines, but complement and support them. Guidelines for submitting, adding, and describing sites are the same in Regional as in other parts of the directory.

The Regional Category Guidelines contain the following three sections. They are pretty detailed, but don't let them scare you. If you have questions, don't be shy about posting in the Regional community forum.

Section 1: Listing Web Sites in Regional - Provides editorial guidelines for listing web sites in the Regional branch. There also are special guidelines for listing Real Estate sites.

Section 2: Subject Subcategories Template - Regional uses a template to guide its editors in organizing sites in a standard, consistent and user friendly manner. Consult this template when creating subcategories for topics.

Section 3: Geographic Subcategories Template - Describes the standards by which the Regional category is organized by geographic area. You will want to consult this section when creating categories for geographic places.